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157 Panchayats Were Elected Unopposed In The District Of Patiala

According to the reports out of approximately 1007 panchayats approximately 157 panchayat has been elected without any type of opposition in Patiala. The Bhunerheri block has registered the largest number of unopposed elections for their panchayat i.e. 46. Besides this 25 unopposed panchayat were elected from Nabha block, 18 from the Sanaur and Samana block.

157 Panchayats Were Elected Unopposed In The District Of Patiala

The Additional commissioner Anindita Mitra also said that approximately 46.12% of the panchayat members have elected unanimously. Moreover, out of the 6,029 wards, the 2,781 panches have elected unopposed in various blocks.

Meanwhile, the 198 sarpanches are elected unopposed. Punjab government has also announced to pay Rs. 1 lakhs prize for the panchayats which were elected unopposed.

Additionally, in the Sangrur district, only thirty three panchayats out of 599 are elected unopposed and total number of the sarpanches who were elected were  52, whereas 1,606 members were elected unopposed.


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